
Dry-needling is based on the system of Eastern Acupuncture. Due respect is paid to the history and cultural tradition of this healing art, whilst endeavouring to take a modern, scientific approach where possible.

We have many different treatment techniques and dry-needling is one of the many possibilities that we sometimes choose to propose.

At Chiropractic Center Brussels we use Dry-needling for two purposes:

  • Pain Relief
  • Muscle Trigger Point Therapy

The needles are usually left to stand for between two and 15 minutes. Generally the treatment is pain-free. The use of the acupuncture needles is considered a gentler alternative to deep massage and other manners of treating trigger points.

A minority of patients do experience pain with the treatment. This can be felt during the treatment and sometimes can last a few hours. At every stage of our interaction we will always explain the proposed treatment. As always, the preference of the patient is a vital factor in any decision-making.

When used, Dry-needling is combined with other Chiropractic treatment techniques to provide an optimum treatment plan for a particular patient.

If you wish to find out more please ask your Chiropractor.

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